FC Basel 1893
Sonntag, 17.05.2015 // 17:04 Uhr

Read the reactions of Fabian Frei, Shkelzen Gashi, Davide Callà and Bernhard Heusler after winning FC Basel 1893’s 18th league title.

(Translated by Thomas Snaith)


Unstoppable celebrations echo around the stadium! Marco Streller, Fabian Frei and the rest of the red and blue team were hugging each other and the 34’000 supporters celebrated their heroes in the stands. As soon as referee Sascha Amhof blew the final whistle, the Joggeli (St. Jakob Park) turned into one big party. The 0:0 against BSC Young Boys was enough to secure FCB’s 18th league title, three rounds before the end of the season.


The dressing room was filled with chanting players, party beats and the smell of cigars. The protagonists on the night let out their emotions: “It’s just sensational! There is no sign that these celebrations are becoming routine, believe me”, stated Fabian Frei. Basel’s midfielder was asked  how the night will continue: “I like being close to Marco Streller, but tonight I will leave him with the microphone and celebrate in my own little corner.”


Goal machine Skhelzen Gashi who won the title in his first season at Basel and will celebrate his first infamous Championship Party at Barfüsserplatz states: “The other players told me that I can look forward to a crazy party in town. My compliments towards the whole team, especially toward the young players. I am very proud of what we have achieved.”


Davide Callà, who had an FCB scarf tied around his head was visibly happy. “ I can’t wait to get under the shower, as I smell of Champagne and Cigars. Now we are all going to enjoy the big party. My compliments towards FCBs players and the management, who put together a great team.”


FCB president Bernhard Heusler after the final whistle: “I observed the players during yesterday’s training session. The atmosphere was very good. That gave me a positive feeling that we would do it today. I was a little sceptical beforehand as everything was in place to win the title today.”


The “Champions Express” will make a stop at Basel’s square “Barfüsserplatz” where the spontaneous celebrations will take place. FC Basel 1893 wishes all of their fans a great party!

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